Our office is located in the Babe D'Ignazio Building on the corner of South Avenue and West Franklin Street.
There is off-street parking available in the back of the building. Additional non-metered street parking is available on South Avenue and on West Franklin Street.
Prior to your first appointment, your therapist will provide you with their phone number. When you arrive for your appointment, text your therapist to let them know that you have arrived. Please note that we may not be able to let you into the building early if you arrive more than five minutes before your scheduled appointment as we may be in session with another client.
Our office space is located on the second floor of the Babe D'Ignazio Building. Please let your therapist know prior to your session if you are unable to climb this flight of stairs for any reason. While there is not an elevator in the building, your therapist can arrange for your session to take place in the conference room on the first floor of the building.